An ideal university should include some basic properties. First of all, the campus of a university should be verdant not barren and have a capasity to meet its students' necessities. Besides them, the buildings in campus should be neat and aesthetic. Also, the design of the school should express a sense of comfort to its students and create such a sincere atmosphere that students feel as if they were at their homes. If so, students easily get used to the school. Secondly, it should provide its students with some basic facilities. For instance, it should have decent dormitories with a capasity to accommodate all students, and a sufficient number of laboratory where students can easily access the internet, make research and do their homework or project, a good library in which students can study their courses, and wireless internet with which students can access the internet on the campus whenever they want. Thirdly, academic staff of a university should be very sufficient and effective on students, and also it should provide a good and international education to its students. Moreover, it should be a world-class university and have a lot of worldwide success.As for whether metü is an ideal university or not, i am of the opinion that metü is an ideal university in every aspect. It fits all of these criteria i mentioned above and even exceed these standarts.
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