19 Mayıs 2013 Pazar


                                                    GLOBAL WARMING

One of the biggest problems facing the world today is global warming. Many people believe that our production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are heating the atmosphere, and this could be very dangerous for human life and the planet. Many problems such as rising sea level, changes in weather patterns or a negative effect on animal and planet life could result from global warming. However, there are several things we can do to deal with these problems. One answer is to stop making CO2. We can do this by switching from oil, coal and gas to renewable energy. If we can reduce global warming in this way, temperatures will not increase so much. A second solution is to plant more trees and stop deforestation. If we do these, we can reduce global warming at a great scale because trees absorb CO2 and produce oxygen, which is not a greenhouse gas. A third idea is to use less energy and recycle more products. If we use less energy and are more environmentally friendly, the earth's temperature may not rise too much. In concluion, all solutions I mentioned above in the paragraph are sustainable to reduce global warming. Since making small changes now in the way we live means avoiding huuge changes in the future, it is essential to implement these solutions.


                                                    LIVING IN DENİZLİ

This video is an introductory film of Denizli. In the beginning, it tells about Denizli's uniqueness in terms of its historical   heritage, wonderful nature and developing industry which grows towards the world. It says that Denizli has a deep-rooted history which regresses to B.C 5000, so it played hosts to Lydians, Persians, Romans, Byzantines and Ottoman Empire and as well as it is one of the most important tourism center of Turkey, it is the economic giant of its region, the center of industry and trade and vision city of developments and changes. Then, it says that when the word 'Denizli' is uttered, people first think a unique beauty Pamukkale, the symbol of Denizli : rooster, its textile products and its hot spring waters. It also tells Denizli has a huge population which is nearly one million and 19 districts which have so many distinctive features and it ranks 13 among the Turkey economies and 9 among the Turkey industry with its exportation which increases two billion per year. Moreover, the video explains that it has become the textile center of the world and pioneers textile industry in the world with its AR-GE studies on textile and products in which technology and hand labour is combined. Then, it adds that it has a huge industrial estate and produce diffirent types of goods by making investments into a lot of industry branch and says that Denizli is such a shining star with regards to marble industry that it competes with the most famous marble centers of the world. Also, the video says it has such fertile soils that so many agricultural products can floruish in these soils. Then it continues with its livestock sector, greenhouse cultivation, and also its tourism sector with hot spring waters, Pamukkale, Hierapolis antique city, Laodikya and many other historical cities of Denizli.
I like this video so much as it handles nearly all aspects of Denizli and introduces it so good. In fact, I examine so many video about Denizli and I like most of them but of course I cannot put all, but I find this video above really efficient and sufficient to introduce Denizli to the world.


                                                      LIVING IN DENİZLİ

My hometown Denizli has so many great advantages for its habitants and is a really wonderful city to live in for various reasons. First of all, it is located in the Aegean Region of Turkey, so the fertile soils of Aegean Region and Denizli make it an ideal place to live in. That is why, the city has been occupied since prehistoric times. Because most of the people in the Aegean Region support their livelihood by making agriculture, fertility is very important. Even when we look at the meaning of Denizli, we can understand the fertility of the soil. Although the town is not on the coast, the city is called Denizli, which means 'seaside' in Turkey, but I think, the reason for this is that there are several rivers and lakes around it, and the name refers to the abundance of underground water sources. Secondly, one of the most important things that attracts people to live in Denizli is its climate. Since its climate is neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer, people in Denizli can enjoy the warm climate, but it is a fact that it might be too hot in summer; that is, the temperature can go up 44 Centigrade. Thus, even breathing gets more difficult. Thirdly, there are several places in Denizli that attract people from all over the world on the ground that these places can cure ill people. For example, the hot springs of Pamukkale and Karahayıt. These natural hot springs heal people, so lots of people come to and settle in Denizli only to be cured through these hot springs. To conclude, Denizli's rich soils, climate and remedial places are the reasons for people to choose Denizli to live in.

                                          THE EFFECTS OF THE INTERNET

 In this video, some types of questions regarding the internet are asked to children and the kids answer these questions and I will evaluate both the benefits and the drawbacks of the internet for children by taking into consideration the questions and the answers of the children. However, I will not handle all of the questions, just two of them we will analyse together. Among the questions, there are questions like ''What are the benefits of spending time online?'' and '' And the drawbacks?'', so we will discuss these two questions and look them from children's own perspectives. When the benefits of the internet are asked to them, they generally give the same answer. They say that thanks to internet, one can talk to his/her friends, keep in touch with them and meet new people, and so have lots of fun. As for the drawbacks of it, they say that those who use the internet get addicted to it and have less of social life although they talk to people via internet and they also say that people do not do what they have to do because they cannot give up it; they cannot get rid of it and also they cannot keep healthy by sitting in front of a computer, so they need to go outside and do sports. In short, we can see that there are not only  advanages but also disadvantages of internet for children, so it should be used carefully and not excessively.


                                       THE EFFECTS OF THE INTERNET

In today's world, people spend most of their time in front of the internet, so when we look at its impacts, we can divide them into three. That is, we can say there are three main effects of spending time on the internet. One adverse effect is an increase in the number of isolated people. Because the internet is a huge library, the media tool and the online government, and provides people with online market and online banking, people can find whatever they seek on the internet. As a result, they become dependent on the internet by spending too much time in front of it, so in this regard , they become isolated from the society. Another effect of the internet, the rising number of conscious and cultured people, is positive. People improve themselves culturally since one can reach all types of current information by means of various resources, essays and comments on the internet, and conduct a wide range of research. Thus, we learn a lot of things from the internet, from academic topics to private lifes of the well-known. As for the last and positive effect of the internet, we can meet with different people from all over the world, and keep constant communication with them, so we can learn various cultures, languages, and our horizon broadens. In conclusion, as the internet has both negative and positive effects on our lives, it can be said that it is benefical provided that it is not used excessively.


                                    EDUCATION GIVEN IN ENGLISH IN TURKEY

As education has been given in English in most of the educational institutions in Turkey, the system has become controversial for the last two decades. I am of the opinion that English education should be abolished in Turkey for several reasons. First of all, in education given in primary language , it is natural that students' perception speed is higher than education given in second language, which means there is a loss in perception in the second language. Since one can understand something in his native language better, the possibilty of understanding of people decreases in the second language, so the success of the students also decrease accordingly. Secondly, education in second language leads to one's alienation to his primary language, customs or society by using English in daily life too much. Even those who live in a foreign country for a short period of time get used to the culture and life style of that country, so they are becoming more and more aliens to their own country and culture day by day. Likewise, if the education in English is taken into consideration, the situation is the same; that is, students get used to using English in schools and then they start to implement this to their daily life, so they are alienated to their own language and culture.To summarize, because of the fact that the language of the education in some of the educational institutions in Turkey is English, students' success may decrease and they may be alienated to their own language and culture.