19 Mayıs 2013 Pazar


                                    EDUCATION GIVEN IN ENGLISH IN TURKEY

As education has been given in English in most of the educational institutions in Turkey, the system has become controversial for the last two decades. I am of the opinion that English education should be abolished in Turkey for several reasons. First of all, in education given in primary language , it is natural that students' perception speed is higher than education given in second language, which means there is a loss in perception in the second language. Since one can understand something in his native language better, the possibilty of understanding of people decreases in the second language, so the success of the students also decrease accordingly. Secondly, education in second language leads to one's alienation to his primary language, customs or society by using English in daily life too much. Even those who live in a foreign country for a short period of time get used to the culture and life style of that country, so they are becoming more and more aliens to their own country and culture day by day. Likewise, if the education in English is taken into consideration, the situation is the same; that is, students get used to using English in schools and then they start to implement this to their daily life, so they are alienated to their own language and culture.To summarize, because of the fact that the language of the education in some of the educational institutions in Turkey is English, students' success may decrease and they may be alienated to their own language and culture.

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