19 Mayıs 2013 Pazar

                                          THE EFFECTS OF THE INTERNET

 In this video, some types of questions regarding the internet are asked to children and the kids answer these questions and I will evaluate both the benefits and the drawbacks of the internet for children by taking into consideration the questions and the answers of the children. However, I will not handle all of the questions, just two of them we will analyse together. Among the questions, there are questions like ''What are the benefits of spending time online?'' and '' And the drawbacks?'', so we will discuss these two questions and look them from children's own perspectives. When the benefits of the internet are asked to them, they generally give the same answer. They say that thanks to internet, one can talk to his/her friends, keep in touch with them and meet new people, and so have lots of fun. As for the drawbacks of it, they say that those who use the internet get addicted to it and have less of social life although they talk to people via internet and they also say that people do not do what they have to do because they cannot give up it; they cannot get rid of it and also they cannot keep healthy by sitting in front of a computer, so they need to go outside and do sports. In short, we can see that there are not only  advanages but also disadvantages of internet for children, so it should be used carefully and not excessively.

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